Don't Be That Guy...

Dear marketer friend,
Please use the following subject lines if you want your subscribers to curse your name  all day:

* You just received  $50 from Clickbank
* $100 Credit pending on your account
* My mother just died
* [Famous Guru] is DEAD!
* I am sending you $100 with paypal
* OMG I screwed up!
* Claim your commissions
* Customer Notification #657
* Your Invoice/Bill for $47
* Your purchase details
* RE: Order confirmation

This shows you are desperate to get your emails opened and coming up with annoying, insulting crap to force people to open it. It may work once, but people are not stupid you know. They will not ever open a similar email from you again, that is if they still remain on your list after being deceived and insulted like that.

Please ditch the 'Your $47 payment from clickbank/paypal' crap. If you are giving away a free gift, just say so, '$47 value report free for you until Monday' is just FINE, but 'Your order confirmation',  'your purchase details', 'your $47 Invoice' is friggin' stupid and annoying. When an average Joe sees a subject line like this and knows he hasn't purchased anything like that, the first thing they will think is that they might be a victim of identity theft or credit card fraud. They get scared, then they open the email and find out that it's a cheap ass marketer trick to get them to look at some crap PLR's they are giving away, the fear turns into resentment and he will either flame you or hit the unsubscribe button.

If you want to keep your subscribers and get decent conversions, don't treat them like a bunch of braindead zombies or walking ATM machines. Some of us are marketers you know, and we are in your lists to scout decent products to promote to our subscribers. Do you think I will ever do a JV with you or promote your product after I see such stupid behavior? My subscribers are valuable to me, and I respect them. I will never, ever send them to your list where they get incessant stupid spam insulting their intelligence.  What's more, I don't trust the products of a guy who can't even come up with a decent subject line. If your creativity sucks that much, how am I supposed to believe you came up with a good product?

I spend time to write my subject lines and as a result, my open rates are quite high. I actually tested it by copy pasting guru subject lines and others I see in the email (not the stupid ones I listed above, but the more 'acceptable' types if you will) and the open rate with my own subject line was 3x higher than those I copied.

If you want people to read your mail, do not copy paste the crap you see in your inbox, just because everybody and their brother copies it doesn't mean it's good. Take the time to write a sincere subject line that talks to your subscribers, and you might be surprised with the results. Write like you are writing to friends and family, write something real, something sincere, and they will read it.

Please use your brain next time!